PHONE: (507) 725-3380EMAIL: staff@caledoniavets.comLOCATION: 503 Old Highway Dr. | Caledonia, MN 55921WORKING HOURS: M-FRI: 8:00-5:00, SAT: 8:00-12:00

Preventative Care

When you bring your pet in for his or her annual visit, a comprehensive exam will be done by one of our veterinarians. The doctor will check your pets ears, eyes, skin, mouth (teeth and gums), heart, lungs, abdomen, and lymph nodes. A complete physical exam is the most important part of preventative care and can reveal the need for further diagnostic testing and evaluation. In addition to an annual comprehensive exam, we also offer the following to ensure your pet is in prime shape!


We believe that preventative medicine is the best medicine. Therefore, we recommend vaccinating your pet against infectious diseases. Immunizations are one of the most important ways to prevent disease. Beginning around 6-8 weeks of age, we start to administer vaccinations. Your pet will get a series of puppy or kitten vaccines when they are young, and then yearly or every three years after that, depending on the vaccine and age of your pet. Please ask the doctor or technician if you have any questions about vaccines during your visit.


Did you know that some of the most common intestinal parasites of dogs and cats are zoonotic (meaning they can be transmitted to humans)? And most intestinal parasites are not visible to the naked eye. This is why we feel intestinal parasite control and prevention is so important. We deworm every new puppy or kitten that comes into our clinic and recommend yearly intestinal parasite testing for all pets.

Please ask about this at your visit! It is always recommended to bring a fecal sample with you at time of your annual visit so that we can make recommendations for parasites control for your pet.


In our area, the use of a flea and tick preventative is extremely important.  We live in a very high risk area for tick-borne diseases such as Lyme Disease and Anaplasmosis. We also have the burden of fleas in our area during warmer temperatures.  We recommend treating your pet year-round with a flea and tick preventative. We can discuss the products we recommend at your pet’s yearly visit, however,  if you have any questions or concerns about the use of flea and tick prevention, please ask!

Some of our preventatives we carry include Nexgard, Frontline, Seresto Collars, Advantage Multi, Bravecto, and Adavantage II.


Did you know that when your pet reaches 7 years of age, he or she is considered a senior? Because a pet’s life span is so short relative to that of their human owners, health conditions tend to develop much more rapidly, threatening the health of the animal if unobserved and untreated. We believe in annual comprehensive exams for all of our patients, but this is especially true of senior pets. Some subtle changes you may notice as your pet ages are an increase or decrease in appetite or thirst, behavioral problems, signs of vision or hearing loss, dental problems, or arthritis. We are here to address any concerns you may have about your senior pet and offer screening blood work, joint supplements, arthritis medications, and behavioral counseling.


Heartworm disease is a devastating and often fatal disease that is spread by mosquitoes. It can be treated if caught early, but the treatment is costly and often painful for the pet. We recommend a monthly Heartworm preventative as well as a yearly Heartworm/Tick Screen. Our Heartworm/Tick screen will not only check your pet for Heartworm disease, but for Lyme, Anaplasmosis, and Ehrlichia as well- 3 tick-borne diseases your dog could have been exposed to. The test is simple, and only requires 3 drops of blood and results are given in just 8 minutes!

We recommend and sell Heartgard and Interceptor Plus for the prevention of Heartworm disease in dogs.


Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) is a viral disease that attacks the Immune System and leaves a cat/kitten vulnerable to a host of secondary infections. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) is similar to HIV in humans, and causes Immune System suppression and susceptibility to other infections. Both FIV and FeLV are transmissible from cat to cat. There is no cure for either disease; however there is a vaccine for FeLV.

We do have an in-house test to screen for both Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV).   Please contact us if you have further questions.


We recommend microchips for all pets. A microchip application can be done at any time and can help reunite your pet with your family if he/she was ever to get lost. We use 24 Hour Pet Watch microchips, for more information go to

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