PHONE: (507) 725-3380EMAIL: staff@caledoniavets.comLOCATION: 503 Old Highway Dr. | Caledonia, MN 55921WORKING HOURS: M-FRI: 8:00-5:00, SAT: 8:00-12:00

General & Orthopedic Surgery

Our doctors perform routine surgeries every day. We also offer more complex procedures, such as intestinal foreign body removal, bladder surgery and soft tissue surgery (lump removals and biopsies). We always provide anesthetic monitoring, safe anesthesia, and appropriate pain control. Preanesthetic blood work is offered to all of our patients and required if your pet is over 7 years.


All of our orthopedic surgeries are done by an Orthopedic Specialist, either Dr. Steve Timm or Dr. Joseph Adrian. They are able to perform TPLO surgery, fracture repairs and other major orthopedic and soft tissue surgeries here at our clinic. If your pet should need orthopedic surgery, you can rest easy knowing that a trained surgeon is performing surgery and that your pet is in good hands with us. As with all of our surgeries, we provide anesthetic bloodwork, monitoring, safe anesthesia, pain control and any after care necessary.


Please select the appropriate form below. Simply print off, fill out, and bring with you the day of your pet’s surgical procedure. This will help make check-in as easy and stress-free as possible for both you and your pet!

Caledonia Veterinary Clinic 2025. All rights reserved.